A good fruit requires a great seed
Pickling Cucumber Seeds
Varieties of cucumber for the domestic and international market
High-yield, parthenocarpic variety, especially suited to mid-late fall season and early spring.
Vigorous plant, deep green color, with two or more viable female flowers per node.
Dark green fruits show no yellowing on the ends or ridges; an abundance of white pricks give it a fresh, appealing look.
Medium vigor variety, suitable for transplanting in autumn and spring heat. Dark, balanced plant, easy to adapt to different types of cultivation. Good fruit set in warm weather.
Very dark fruit, about 16 cm long, and a high level of thorns during the whole cultivation cycle, even in regrowth. Outstanding fruit colour from stalk to apex and high productivity, versatility of cultivation, easy handling and excellent quality throughout all the cycle.
HR: Powdery Mildew (Px).
IR: Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder (CYSDV), Cucumber vein yellowing (CVYV), Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV).
PE 538
Autumn-Spring pickling variety indicated for greenhouse crops. Medium vigor plant that produces dark green cucumbers of 16 cm.
Fruits with spikes, semi-pistilar fruiting.
HR: Powdery Mildew (Px).
IR: Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder (CYSDV), Cucumber vein yellowing (CVYV), Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV).
High Resistance. Plant varieties that highly restrict the growth and development of the specified pest or pathogen under normal pest or pathogen pressure when compared to susceptible varieties. These plant varieties may, however, exhibit some symptoms or damage under heavy pest or pathogen pressure.
Intermediate Resistance. Plant varieties that restrict the growth and development of the specified pest or pathogen, but may exhibit a greater range of symptoms or damage compared to high resistant varieties. Intermediately resistant plant varieties will still show less severe symptoms or damage than susceptible plant varieties when grown under similar environmental conditions and/or pest or pathogen pressure.
Bremia lactucae
Physiological races Bl:1-15 of Bremia lactucae (downy mildew) in lettuce are agronomical no longer relevant in Europe, as to the best of our knowledge these races are no longer observed in practice in Europe nowadays. Therefore reference to the races Bl:1-15 is no longer made in resistance claims with regard to B. lactucae. From May 1st 2014 onwards, the resistance claim of a variety refers only to Bl:16-31.
P.s.: Although race Bl:19 is to the best of our knowledge also no longer observed in practice nowadays, reference to the race Bl:19 will continue to be made in resistance claims with regard to B. lactucae to simplify the notation of the resistance claim. In practice this means that for example Bl:16-31 should be understood as Bl:16-18,20-31.
Bacterial Leaf Spot
Cucumber vein yellowing virus
Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus
Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici
Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. radicis-lycopersici
Melon necrotic spot virus
Pyrenochaeta lycopersici
Potato Y virus
Px (ex Sf)
Podosphaera xanthii (ex Sphaerotheca fuliginea)
Tomato mosaic virus
Tomato spotted wilt virus
Verticillium albo-atrum